RightQuotes 1.0.0 (C)1995 Berkeley Internet Connections
RightQuotes is an extension that picks a random quote at startup time and displays that quote to the user. To use RightQuotes, just drop it in the Extensions folder or the System Folder itself.
The quotes contained in the extension tend to reflect a Conservative or Libertarian ideology. The quotes come from my personal collection, which is the product of various sources and years of work. Special thanks to Ben Moorhead and Darren Bouwmester for their contributions.
This extension is freeware. Give it to your friends, give it to your liberal enemies, put it on your web site. Just please include the Readme file.
We will be updating RightQuotes on a regular basis. To receive the latest version, for comments, questions, or if you would like to have your favorite quotes included in the next version, please email rightquotes@berkeleyic.com.
-Eric Davis
Berkeley Internet Connections
Some users will not have enough time to read the quote before the screen is cleared. RightQuotes will pause the extension loading process if the Caps Lock key is down. Extensions will continue to load once the Caps Lock key is released. System 7.5.1 users will need to keep the Caps Lock key down to see the quotes.
Current limitations:
Initializing the Window Manager clears the screen. In Pre-System 7, this isn’t a problem. But 7.5 uses a thermometer to show booting progress. This thermometer will be orphaned (no window). Also, quote might not stay on screen too long. Use “Caps Lock” to pause loading process or have lots of extensions :-)
Strings must be numbered correctly or RightQuotes might return a null string (nothing in the dialog box).
Possible memory lossage from window.
No cool icon! ;-)
About Berkeley Internet Connections:
Berkeley Internet Connections is an Internet consulting firm that provides marketing solutions from design to implementation. Our current clients include the Phil Gramm for President campaign and the Progress & Freedom Foundation, a Washington Think Tank.
You can visit us at http://www.berkeleyic.com or send email to info@berkeleyic.com.
Version History ---------------
v010d First development release. Used Notification Manager for displaying strings.
v020d Now uses ‘TEXT’ resource instead of ‘STR ’. Pascal strings are limited to 255 characters. ‘TEXT’ can be any length; Displays own window from Extension. Unfortunately forced to clear screen (InitWindows()) — gets rid of “Welcome to Macintosh” box. So in Sys 7.5 thermometer is orphaned; Put in some real strings. Added copyright.
v030d Fixed a quote selection bug. Added pause feature.
v031d Dropped in first set of quotes (400+)
v100b First beta release.
v100 First official release.
Copyright 1995 Berkeley Internet Connections. Quotes do not necessarily reflect the views of Berkeley Internet Connections.